Decimon Wandera
2 min readSep 6, 2019

Africa my Africa! you are a powerful, beautiful world. You are rich with culture and rich with natural resources. You fought so many battles

to secure your freedom from the foreign powers and you fought collectively supporting each other. In the dusk of colonialism you yearned for peace, unity, independence and development. You resisted economic, political and social transgression and repression. Your leaders fought very hard to death to achieve this. You were united not by geographical demarcations, you were united not by language but with a spirit of purpose.

Africa! what are you fighting for today? What gains do you want to make from these endless squabbles and wars that you no longer value the lives of your people, culture and natural resources? why was blood shed in Rwanda, Angola, Malawi, Zimbabwe, Sierialone, Kenya and Uganda; why is there bloodshed in Darfur, north Sudan and southern Sudan, Ethiopia, Somalia, south Africa etc?

Stop this mistake! reflect upon yourself and feel some shame. Think about tomorrow about your children, poverty, famine, illiteracy and disease. Your people are starving and dying of hunger wont you love to address these issues? For whose welfare are you raging all these wars when there are humble issues to put right?

Africa! the times have changed…Africa! this world is no longer defined according to boundary, race, language, politics or economics. Africa! this world is now defined according to global causes and purpose, according to respect and observation of human rights, we are living in a global village. The current science and technological innovations factually tell us so. imagine how we consume them indiscriminately…

Remember how much time and lives you have lost and pray to overcome the evil spirit of doom. we don't need the swords, and fire to address grievances and challenges of today. We need the heart and mind and above all we need each other.



Decimon Wandera

Acting on the change anyone wants is important than talking. Change can be realized if you lead, teach, coach, and learn from everywhere.